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Foto of Mari Gold

"Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better."   - Andre Gide -

With my paintings I want to reconnect people to nature and show them worlds beyond the usual visible.

I believe that remembering this sacred connection can help us to rediscover our own strength and beauty.

The paintings may serve to raise consciousness and create healing.

To reawaken feelings and knowledge that we all carry inside of us but have forgotten for a long time.

And to reconnect to the source and remind us of the unconditional, endless love of “Pacha Mama” (mother nature).



My Story


It was a deep longing for more that send me on my journey, leaving home as soon as I could.

Little did I know at that point of the numerous places, different cultures and countries that I would visit and also live in, for the next 12 years of my life. 


In 2011, without really having wanted it, I ended up in the Peruvian jungle which would become my home and teacher over the next six years of my life.

There with the help of local plant healers, a huge transformation and healing process started for me, which should change my life completely, - or rather, change who I had become and help me to find back to myself.

After several plant diets and a lot of internal work I was finally able to feel peace again. Something that I had lost a long time ago.

Suddenly I rediscovered a lot of things that I loved when I was a child. Mostly my love for art, music and my deep connection to nature.

It was then that I started painting and realized that I want to help others to reconnect to nature and its healing power.


In 2017 my life should change again, when I gave birth to a beautiful little being, my son Mallki.  Yet again I went through a huge initiation and transformation process, - the miracle of becoming and being a mother.


I am excited to see where life will take me and simply continue to follow my heart.

“Every person has been given a talent, a gift of god. I feel it is our responsibility to use these gifts and thereby give something back to the world.”

- Marigold -

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